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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

CR England

CR England
4701 W.2001s
W. Vally, Utah, 84120

After a year away from trking i thought i would try cr england ,but before i leased i would do the co. driving first .i mean after all the web page says 11,300 average for co . drivers not ,more like 1400-1800 a wk. cr england turned out to be a very ineficient half baked operation. bad ld numbers lousy miles ,well anyway i decided to quite on 5/17 /08 after starting 3/13/08. now it is 5/20/08 and they have me stuck in grand island ,ne, basically held hostage under a ld ive been watin for the shipper to ld on 5/19/08. this co also has a policy of logging at 60mph which if you dr you know that logging a fixed speed to be in complience of a bad policy decision forces most to alter logs so not to get a co. violation. so if you read this plz stay away from england nothing but frustration and headaches, not to mention high blood pressure. there are much better schools out there.

East Syracuse, New York

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