Skymax Group ,Cydcor
901 NE Loop 410 Suite 550
San Antonio, Texas, 78209
I am not bitter at all with this company, I really just want to put some information out there for other potential candidates to hopefully stumble upon before they accept an interview with this company.
I found this job listed on a job finding website (name withheld) and immedietely became excited. I was interested in getting into a marketing field.They actually had a base salary listed on it, which is BS, but I'll get to that. It was for 'sports-minded' people.. or for 'project managers'.. haha. It all sounds great on the website so I did apply.
Not even 24 hours after I submitted my information I was called to come in for an interview. Of course I was very optimistic about becoming an 'account executive' and accepted the interview offer. The office is actually in a nice area but it is very bare as far as decorations go. There is a receptionist located in the front office (it is a 3 office workcenter) who is very friendly and seems very professional. I came in dressed 'business professional' and heard a bunch of chanting and cheering in the room next to where I was. That actually made me optimistic, to hear such enthusiasm going on there. I was there with two or three other applicants and made small talk with them. They were very young, I think 18 and 19 years old.
The interview was very professional and I was told how great this company is and yadda yadda.. I was told I would reveive a call that evening if I was selected out of the group of applicants. Of course I did get a call and they offered me a 2nd interview. I thought this was great so I accepted. It turned out to be an interview that would last all day, so the interviewer could watch me and get to know me in different 'situations'. I was told my interviewer would meet me downstairs to begin, I thought this was odd but went along with it. I stopped in the restroom to make sure I looked appropriate only to find a couple of the employees from Skymax in there changing from their business attire and putting on shirts with logos on them..
Another odd occurence, but I went along anyway. Once I met up with the interviewer downstairs we made small talk and this is when I find out that this is a door to door commission based job. No base salary like the job website stated, no benefits, and to top it off, you get to ride in your own vehicle to go to the neighborhoods in which you will be walking.. They give you lead sheets with addresses on them and blah blah. The interview went great, and I was actually impressed with my interviewer since they were very honest.
The interviewer had been there for several months and was trying to build a 'team'. That was your goal with them, to build a team of several other sales reps or 'accoun executives' haha. It is very pathetic actually, you start off in entry level and have to make a certain number of sales and a certain dollar amount to make it to the next level: leader. Once you are a leader, you pretty much have more 'office responsibilities', ie: music director... you change the freakin cd out of the 30 dollar Walgreen's cd player they have in the atmosphere. Leaders are expected to build their team to a certain number, then they are assistant managers to the manager that is there, and of course your goal after that is to become an owner or manager of your own office and company.. I won't waste any more time describing the process..
The interview consisted of watching ths leader knock on doors and learning the 'pitch'. Most of the time you would find that the homeowners didn't even want to waste their time talking to you, some mis-informed individuals actually listen and you go through what's called a rebuttle process with them..
You end up wasting your time, theirs, your cell phone minutes making a 'sale' only to find out that either their credit isn't good enough for this product or that your sale will fall through a couple of weeks later because the customer became uninterested and cancelled the order. It is a very demanding job, you go in right around lunchtime every day and are there until 9ish Monday thru Friday.. Saturdays which are 'optional' are from 10 am til about 3:30 pm.. Oh and it's so optional, you better have a damn good reason for not being there.. or you will be released.
It is a great opportunity if you can handle not paying your bills and borrowing money from friends and family is something you love to do. Your paychecks there will be pathetic (even if you make 700 dollars in sales in a week) The only one making money is the manager.. They take 'business trips' to various locations for 'leader meetings' and it is up to YOU to get there, your vehicle, your gas, you buy lunch.. And this is just rumored, but I heard the last trip the management took, they slept on the floor of another manager's home... Sounds like the management makes great money to me. Every time another office sends 'leaders' to another city to work with that campaign, they usually sleep on the floor.. 6 deep in a one bedroom apartment. Nice! And the leaders in this office, for the most part are twits.. Some are great people, but most are pretty uneducated idiots. And by uneducated I mean no common sense, or people skills for that matter.
I tell you, if you look at a job like this... using your own vehicle to get to your 'office', knocking on doors, pissing off uninterested homeowners with NO SOLICITING signs on the doors to their homes, eating a 15 minute lunch because it's frowned upon to take more than that to break, high school office drama, then this is the job for you.. Enjoy your opportunity!! haha
San antonio,
Thanks so much for the timely info.... I was scheduled to waste my afternoon over there today!!
Love to buy you a Starbucks or a beer-- !!
That's awesome....They just called me saying I sent them a resume' and they were extremely impressed with my qualifications...I have never even heard of the I looked them up under scam and what do you know...I find this post. AMAZING
Anxious Grad Student
I ran into this type of company before. They sold cologne. It was in a room full of people with LOUD blaring music that gave me a headache. I came in for the interview which was supposed to be 9 hours and I heard people cheering and clapping and I thought I heard that music. So I said I had to go to the bathroom and left.
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