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Friday, September 4, 2009

Paragon Services - Serv-U-Success

Paragon Services
Subsidiary of Serv-U-Success
Grandville, Michigan

I started with this company 7 years ago, and when I started they were great to work for. We had more hours than we could fill, they treated us well, recognized us when we went above and beyond, which was often, and generally made it a wonderful place to work.

About three years ago the top manager left and things went straight to hell in a handbasket. The day to day management was turned over to Pete Hatch and Brian Neeley and, although you will find some of this hard to believe, it is all true.

They will not talk to us, period. We work nights, and our supervisor obviously works the same schedule. There are times when I as well as others have had some issues to address and, because we knew our supervisor was sleeping, attempted to contact the office to take care of it. We were reprimanded and so was our supervisor. This after they told all of the new hires in a company meeting that "we maintain an open door policy and you can contact us any time." They actually wanted our supervisor to write us up for attempting to contact them. Luckily our supervisor is not that stupid.

We used to get our schedules by 11:00 AM every day, but since the new "management" took over, we are lucky if we get it by 2:00 PMand it has been as late as 4:30 PM. They expect us to just sit around and wait and hopefully there will be a message. It doesn't matter that we might be able to use that time productively by devoting that time to other responsibilities we might have. I pointed this out to them, explaining that I did not want to work all day around the house and then find out that I have to work, but be too tired to do so. Their response was "c'mon, you can't have THAT much to do", as if I don't have a life outside of my employment, which brings me to my next little story.

We get our work assignments by voicemail on a daily basis. When things slowed down earlier this year, they simply stopped leaving voicemails while expecting us to sit around until 5:00 PM, which is the cutoff time for voicemails waiting for the possibility that we might actually work on any given night. I asked them to at least leave a message at the beginning of the week informing us that there would be no work that week if in fact that was the case. They ignored that request, and did not leave ANY form of communication for 2 months, leaving us to wonder whether or not the place was still in business. When they finally did call, I had made a committment to someone for that week, and Paragon was UPSET because I did not let them know that I would not be available that week.

We have had an ongoing fight with the management because they routinely under-staff and over-schedule projects. We are never in the same location and the time it takes to drive can be as long as 4 hours one way for the work assignment. Last week was one such case and those involved had worked 19 hours the night before. When we saw that the project was under-staffed and would take anywhere from 12 to 15 hours plus the 4 hour return drive, we called them and told them that we were worn out and if we did this, we would not be in any shape to drive which was absolutely true. They FORCED us to do the project, and after 12.5 hours I had to leave because I had a doctor's appointment 3 hours away. The rest of the crew continued to work. I did some research and discovered what I already knew, that by driving in that condition, if we were involved in an accident, we could be held not only civilly liable, but depending on whether there were injuries or not, criminally liable. This had been pointed out to them before, but THEY DON'T CARE. The reason they gave for forcing us to start and complete the project that night was that there was not another available night during the upcoming week when they could reschedule it. NOBODY worked Monday night. There was no schedule for Monday, yet they insisted that we endanger not only ourselves, but possible others on the road, all for the sake of a buck! But wait, the story about these two caring and loving individuals gets better!

Last Friday I had some serious questions about my check, questions that could very well have prevented me from cashing it. I needed to get medication because, in addition to the lack of work, they were not scheduling me on the nights I was available, and I had been without my medication for a month and a half. I knew that my supervisor was sleeping because he had worked 20 hours straight, so I sent an email to Pete Hatch asking him about the problems, and making it clear that if there was a mistake that I would somehow need to borrow some money so I could get my medication and I was on my way to the doctor for an appointment. I asked him to please call me so that I would know what to do. HE EMAILED ME knowing full well that I was away from my computer, so I had to cash the check anyway to get my medication and pray that there were actually no problems.

These people treat us like dogs. They expect us to work 50 or 60 hours a week and drive sometimes as high as 30 hours on top of that to get to and from work. No matter how many times I have reminded them about my availability, which they agreed to, they still fail to schedule me on those days, or they will schedule just one day, knowing that I need to work to get my medication to live. Up until now, I have been 110% loyal to these people, doing anything and everything I could to make their reputation gold. No more. They have aboslutely no consideration for those who work for them, they (Pete Hatch and Brian Neeley) abuse their employees with no thought given to our health or safety, and, inspite of the fact that there have been many times when we have worked until we dropped, are of the opinion that we do not deserve a simple thank you, that to the contrary, we should be thanking THEM.

Pete and Brian, if you read this, and I hope you do, I refuse to thank you for the weekly and monthly abuse you heap on us. Furthermore, I will do everything I can to keep other unsuspecting people from falling into your trap. You are NOT a good company to work for anymore. You lie to prospective employees about the work available, so much so that one poor kid went off to college this year without any money because he turned down what he thought were worse offers than yours because you LIED TO HIM ABOUT THE AVAILABILITY OF WORK. He spent the rest of the summer trying unsuccessfully to get another job, because by the time he realized you had duped him, it was too late. You two ought to be ashamed of yourselves, although I know that will never happen, because you refuse to listen to anything your employees say and brush us off as incompetent boobs who couldn't possibly have a valuable opinion, thought, or insight.

Thanks guys for not scheduling me according to my availability again this week, you are true to form. For those of you who may run across Paragon Services, Inc., whose parent company is Serv-U-Success, run like the wind. Go work at Subway if you have to, but do not work for these guys. You will never be treated worse than you will be by these people. That aside, I have filed complaints with OSHA, with ADA, and with the Department of Transportatioin regarding their blatant disregard for our safety and health. I could go on and on, but I will leave it with this final comment; If there was a Worst Employer of the Year award, these guys would win, hands down!!

Grand Rapids Michigan


Anonymous said...

Kevin right on! I could not agree with you more! Well said! Hopefully their reputation will become world renown sooner then later for the good of the American WORKFORCE! Plus anyone else who they can possibly grab into their sick web of deceit, lies, and empty promises! These clowns HAVE TO GO!!!!!!!!!
Your Former Employee Nemo

Anonymous said...

I agree on serve u success. My son worked for them as of this week, from a Holland location. managers corrupt and disclosing private and personal info on a daily basis... hours might be 2 hours one day and 10 the next, I could go on forever

Anonymous said...

I worked for paragon for 8 years. They treated me just as bad as they did kevin. I was so happy when I was able to tell them to take this job and shove it. I'm happy to here that you turn them in also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Great job kevin

jaie said...

Serv-u-success I been with this company for years it was fantastic until they hired new supervisor PASTY LANGENDOR this women is a control freak!!!!!!!!she treats employees like complete crap!!!!!!she would writ u up for no reason at all.she also has a retraining order on her for threatening another vendor.still not fired!!!!!!!!she enjoys arguing with us why?idk. We all spoke with her boss but never accomplished.she makes our life a livin he' joke. By the way the president of the company had a talk with her she was to change her ways.not
she worse!!!!!!! WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!do not work for this woman or ur life will be a livin he'll.the company serv-u-success is all good except the supervisor.she also hired her boyfriend and he gets special treatment.wrong right?I am just telling u the truth I used to like going to work making me and the company lots of money but now I dread going to work and yes I have been sending resumes to jobs.wish me luck!!!!!!!

jaie said...

Serv-u-success I been with this company for years it was fantastic until they hired new supervisor PASTY LANGENDOR this women is a control freak!!!!!!!!she treats employees like complete crap!!!!!!she would writ u up for no reason at all.she also has a retraining order on her for threatening another vendor.still not fired!!!!!!!!she enjoys arguing with us why?idk. We all spoke with her boss but never accomplished.she makes our life a livin he' joke. By the way the president of the company had a talk with her she was to change her ways.not
she worse!!!!!!! WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!do not work for this woman or ur life will be a livin he'll.the company serv-u-success is all good except the supervisor.she also hired her boyfriend and he gets special treatment.wrong right?I am just telling u the truth I used to like going to work making me and the company lots of money but now I dread going to work and yes I have been sending resumes to jobs.wish me luck!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Serv-U Success company was an awesome company to work. I worked hard but made good money for about 10 years. This stopped about a year ago. At the beginning of this year we have took a huge pay cut. I am gonna lose about 17000 dollars this year. We also used to be able to make some extra money through projects through Serv-U with other companies.This is not the case anymore. They took that away as well. I feel like they have stepped on us twice this year. I now have to deliver pizzas at night just to pay my mortgage. I would like to blame this all on the upper management at Serv-U-Success but anyone who really knows this company. Knows they are not the only ones to blame.Who else is to blame? Its MEIJER. They just keep squeezing us. Serv-U-Success has made them so much damn money and all they want is more profit. They tell us lower our costs by giving everyone a pay cut and cross-dock the shipments and fire all our drivers. If anyone wants to go postal they should head up to Meijer corporate. That is where most of Serv-U-Success's problems are coming from. That and the fact we just bend over and take it without a fight. I used to be a proud employee now I cant wait to walk away from this company.

Anonymous said...

I've worked for SERV-U Success in North Muskegon and with Meijers at that same location, My supervisor Linda was amazing to work for, I really felt that she cared for my well being, was flexible, and an all around pleasure to work for. Unfortunately her boss, Jerry Sneder would work her to death. I would hear Jerry yelling at her through the phone as her face swelled up with tears, blaming things on her that were not her fault, time and time again like shipments being delayed among others. Meijers is a company I worked for shorty after being with SERV-U and that company is horrible, I was yelled at for talking the union about problems that I had with scheduling due to me being a college student, something Meijers was full aware of, I gave my college schedule to both of my supervisors multiply times and they never put it into the system so that I would get scheduled on my college days and was forced to work rather than pursue my education, my grades have suffered to some degree from this. The union would do nothing about it, the store director did nothing and only gave me lip service. I will admit that my 2 supervisors unable to put my availability into the system may have been due to being treated like crap themselves from the higher ups because they were worked to the bone as was I. Every few months I was pulled aside and told that I wasn't working to potential and actually was told by Chris a manager at North Muskegon Meijer that I am a horrible employee and that this might not be the right job for me, this actually put me into tears which happened a few times during these monthly humilations, ben copenhaver on the other hand my other supervisor was a good guy the only reason i stayed with this company for as long as i did. finally it came down to me requesting time off to study for my exams. I needed this time because i missed so many days from being scheduled on my college days that they had been given documentation that i need off multiply times. Chris mcfaren myone of my supervisors told me he would allow me to leave work at 2pm on a sunday for my monday exam, guess waht sunday comes around he refuses to let me go home to study after promising it and i storm out, screw chris mcfaren, screw there union who never helped, screw the store director that ignored my issues with the company and all around screw Meijer! I hope everyone pulls there stocks out, boycotts you and burns the mother down have a good day

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's because I work for my dad... But I think I have a good job. I'm only 18 so any job is something... But I have a good supervisor. The management on the other hand is something else. My dad's bosses are incompetent. We expect loads to be at the store at a certain time and they are never there due to changes with shipping methods, my dad was forced to hire a Meijer big-wig's daughter, and he is being told how to do the job he has been doing for years. My dad has reached the $1 million sales benchmark 2 years in a row and he got a "pizza party" last year (He didn't get any pizza since he was WORKING) and an engraved keychain that already broke this year. I think that the higher up management needs to be changed at Serv-U-Success since that sure seems to be the problem!Don't get me wrong... I like my job but I don't like the way that my father is forced to comply with everything Serv-U says.

Anonymous said...

Serve U Success/Paragon Services are a joke. Meijer please fire these assholes.

Anonymous said...

meijers bought serv-u
its all over guys...
2-3 years tops

so thats why i got a new title on my name tag like 9 months ago

detsiege said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
detsiege said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Jeff Zonneville was one of the only good things about the company to be honest

1 word honesty

Anonymous said...

Perhaps what many people who've commented have failed to realize/mention, there are different regions and multiple "immediate" supervisors. Some regions don't see and/or deal with as many of the immediate issues as the main region. Therefore, it's easy to assume that you're working for a great company when you've been blinded by corrupt head supervisors who are in charge of not only managing the company day to day operations, but silencing those who are directly below them and have the additional power to stand up for their employees. However, some of these individuals are often threatened with being fired or lack the backbone to stand up for what is right and just. Those who have worked beside Kevin, and those who have failed to be blinded by corruption, see the true nature of this company and realize the horrifying truth. I would like to say that there are two sides to every story, however, I too am one of the individuals that this company has come close to killing based upon their negligence and failure to see reason/use common sense, and in reality it was then that I realized my life meant nothing to them as long as I was making them money. I have story after story, just as many of the other people have...I've seen some good things, but they don't come close to comparing with the bad.

~Well Informed

Anonymous said...

Serv-U-Success is a HORRIBLE company. I worked at the warehouse in Grandville 15-16 years ago. In December of 1995 Serv-U-Success poisoned the warehouse workers with carbon monoxide and sent at least 9 of us to the hospital.
Even worse, the management lied to us and said they had fixed the problem when they had done nothing at all, only to poison us again and I ended up back in the emergency room of the hospital.
The poisoning of the workers only stopped after an Emergency Room Doctor at St. Mary's hospital declared an emergency and had the warehouse evacuated by the police and fire department (I happily watched as the Doctor called 911) MIOSHA was called in to protect the workers from being further poisoned.
Serv-U-Success was completely defiant about what they had done to us and did not even compensate me for the hours I spent in the hospital hooked up to an oxygen rig.
Serv-U-Success is without a doubt the most disgusting, most dishonest company I've ever dealt with.

Anonymous said...

Management at Paragon is a joke its like putting a monkey in charge. Very dishonest and disorganized.

Shame on Meijer to contract to these pieces. Lost all respect for Meijer will never set foot in store again

Hope others will follow. SHAME ON YOU FOR NOT RESEARCHING YOUR CONTRACTORS. Anything to save a dollar right

Anonymous said...

I have worked for Paragon since this past winter and all I have gotten are lies. This company will tell you what you want to hear to hook you to stay but they lie. All of these empty promises and no truth. Shame on Meijer for contracting them.

I will never shop at Meijer again. They don't care. As the saying goes (everybody is out for themselves) no loyalty.

Anonymous said...

Business managers in this company are nothing more than trained snakes...They lie and set you up for failure....unless you become one of their puppets. They are only out for their corporate, not their people. Doing business with Ser-U is bad business, in my opinion.They let me go on a technicality, now they are fighting my unemployment, BOO!!!!

Anonymous said...

Was about to apply here, read reviews, message received.

Anonymous said...

Do not work for Serv u Sucksas! it will be the best decision you ever make!

Anonymous said...

DO NOT work for Serv U ! It will be the best decision you ever make!

Anonymous said...

I worked for Serv u and the best thing I can say was I quit. I needed a day off for an extremely private matter and my boss discussed it with a the other employees and told any detail they could come up with to the store personnel. It was embarrassing and everyone thought to comment on my private matter when I came back.
The schedules were the same often, but I had many spit shifts. And one minute I would be told they couldn't live without me only to be told later that I could be fired at any minute for not being fast enough. They continually added more work to the list and took time away to do it. Never again, avoid it like the plague!

Anonymous said...

Jeff Zonneville is possibly one of the most degrading people I have ever met. His little puppet Jeff Krawzcuk was the dumbest manager I have met and most useless yet would get away with things by turning them on you the employee and totally divert the blame away from himself. Jeff Z would one moment tell you your doing a good job and then minutes later threaten your job. I couldnt help but to feel relieved when I left this company that will eventually just be a bunch of Meijer "Red Shirts" and "Blue Shirts" since they are now Owned by Meijer. I cant say all SERV U SUCCESS management is terrible but be warned to stay away from Jeff Zonneville or at least Jeff K's immediate sales area.

Anonymous said...

too many idiots working for this company to name. Jeff Z is a previous sex offender who payed money to have it removed from his record. serv u success knowingly hired him.

Anonymous said...

Same thing happened to me man! Your a supervisor act like it. I wanna guess, its a man right?

Anonymous said...

What are they? Meijers, Serv-U-success, Serv-U-Logistics, Thrifty Retail Svcs? The word is; Meijers is in charge now, if that's the case then why? Is Meijers drivers making up to $0.46 a mile plus stop pay and Serv-U-Success drivers only making $0.35 a mile for all their 14 hr work of driving and on duty? That's an $.11 a mile difference not including stop pay! Humm? Mr. Hall & Mr. Felix, you will find that you guys are replaceable, wait and see! Because of you other drivers have to run hard. "Shame!" Wondering why? moral is so low! You guys can't even get a meeting to talk about those problems, Yes Sir! As an employee thats your value. After all you know what? They say! You are just truck drivers! I'm sure you heard that before and how? Does it feel to have people tell you "that's part of trucking" by a person that never done your job! Good Luck, I would leave if I was you!

Jpetrous said...

How do I apply at Ser-U-Success?

Jpetrous said...

How can I apply for a position at Ser-U-Success.. maybe I over looked it at the wed address. Anyone have a link for me to follow?

Anonymous said...

You people are pathetic. If your gunna bad mouth the company and it's employees man up and use your name, obviously you already lost your job so it's not gunna effect it. Boohoo I lost my job because my supervisor was out to get me! Nope. Grow up. You lost your job because you were a crappy employee. And fyi whoever posted the comment stating Jeff Zonneville is a sex offender, you're a complete moron. If You have anything honest to say please feel free to say it. Otherwise act your age. -M.C.

Dave M said...

I have to agree with the person above me. Even though I quit my job from them I'm still not going to go as low as to bitch and moan. It's called grow up and get another job somewhere else, just because it didn't work for this company doesn't mean you should call someone a sex offender. That is by far the lowest thing you could say and it's no wonder you lost your job. If you had an attitude like that I would have fired you also. Just move on with your life and stop trying to start bullshit lies about people who work for the company.

Beavz said...

You are all right, I wish there was something that could be done.. I just recently quit because as an account manager we were paid commission on product that we orderd. here recently the company is makeing commission employee's stock and condition product that they are not even ordering. therefor not being paid for. I complained to a union and was forced to quit because of it so i filed a complaint with the labor board but they didn't do anything.

Beavz said...

You are all right, I wish there was something that could be done.. I just recently quit because as an account manager we were paid commission on product that we orderd. here recently the company is makeing commission employee's stock and condition product that they are not even ordering. therefor not being paid for. I complained to a union and was forced to quit because of it so i filed a complaint with the labor board but they didn't do anything.

Anonymous said...

Serve-u is the worst employer ever. Stay away if you like making money

Anonymous said...

What about SCOTT ARNOLD?!

Anonymous said...

Scott Arnold who is dating a service team leader. ( favoritism )? Yup!

Anonymous said...

M.C man up use your full name!

Anonymous said...


Dave M said...

"M.C man up use your full name!"

As says the guy who posted anonymous. That's a bit contradicting just saying.

Anonymous said...

I can't say too much here 4 reasons I can't say.  But lets lets just say I have an extensive knowledge of this company.

I think alot of ppl here either had their job change on them, or things didn't turn out the way they'd hoped - 4 whatever reason.  I'm 1 of those ppl that thinks if u don't like it get another job -  this is America, it's their company, they can treat ppl the way they want.  But I do think this site has value.  If ur considering working 4 Serv-U (or anywhere) u should consider all ur options.  And believe me: u should consider all ur options!

But the company is not all bad.  As long as u know what ur getting into it could b a good fit 4 u:  Don't expect 2 make good $.  U will make slightly more than minimum wage.   Don't expect recognition, praise, or encouragement.  Don't expect raises or promotions.  Expect 2 b worked extremely hard.  U will work harder than any Meijer employee in the store.  U will work harder than any other vendor in the store (but @ a fraction of the pay/benefits).

It is what it is:  a temporary, low paying, dead end, part-time job 4 students looking 4 a little spending $.  My experience is they're pretty good about working around school schedules  So if thats what ur looking 4/expecting - this job's 4 u.  But trust me, u can find other jobs where u can make the same $ 4 less work. 

Don't expect 2 make a career of this company.   Upper management does well, but u will not move up the ranks (& u won't like it if u do).   It's an old school, stagnant company.  As nice as the owners r, they're old, rich, white, republicans (not that that's a bad thing in itself, it's just not a progressive work environment).  And don't  make the mistake that a slacker is writing this, & things will b different 4 u if u work hard & have a good attitude. 

Which brings me 2 the most important thing u can take away from this discussion:  KIDS, STAY IN SCHOOL!!  U may b having fun and/or have the opportunity 2 take a high paying job out of high school & 2nd guess college.  But that job will not last 4 ever!  GET UR EDUCATION!!  Beg, borrow, or steal 2 do it, don't let anything stand in the way of ur future!  U don't want 2 limit ur options, & know the heartache of being middle aged, feeling trapped in a dead-end-job, working ur f*ing ASS OFF  day in day out all week & still not be able to adequately provide 4 ur family!!


Over-worked, under-paid, & under-appreciated

Unknown said...

I have work for serv u about a year I was promised full time got my dollar raise but still part time now I am a sales rep kahe .. still part time and they only pay you 28 cents a mile

Unknown said...

Well said.. I work in ther area. Im waiting on them to fire me so I can collect unemployment promises promises but they never exceed

Unknown said...

Well said.. Cant stand this company promises you full time working kahe and I'm still part time got a dollar raise still part time and they're setting me up for failure

Anonymous said...

This is my opinion! I like "M.C." you most be one of those people: do as I say not as I do! Let me guess you were given your job with no qualifications. Your quotes; pathetic, man up and crappy employee! Only those in the receiving end can show frustrations on this site for the simple reason that nobody have give them the courtesy, respect or time of day to address their issues. This company have a lot of dead weight for reasons unknown, most companies promote employees that have done the job so when an issue rise who? better than the people that have the experience to fix it! Most companies give a review every year to measure and to have documentation on all employess on how the are an access to the company. "NOT HERE" They rather bring a "Buddy" to be train and tell those that have years of experience what to do! Note: I hope your golf game is better than your decision making! Why would anybody put their employees and their families under such a difficult period where frustration and stress is built because of somebody that don't know and don't care about the people or the job. You can be a professional and do something about whats going on, after all that's why they pay you the big $$$,$$$.00! Prove me wrong! Because right now is not what you do but rather who you know!! If nothing positive happens in a week I will give another one of my opinions. MC this for you; pathetic, the way some employees are treated for the last 2+ years with bonuses for some and pay cuts and excuses for others. Crappy employee, would be the one that takes the credit but don't give or reconise the people that got it done to get that credit. Man up, you need to eat those words every morning for breakfast because only a crappy employee would tell people to do something they won't do them selfs!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

In my opinion! You may lie to employees or even the owners about all the discrepancy in operations. The owners are great ppl and is sad they put so much trust on how operations is run. Shut ppl up! So the owners don't find out how incompetent your "buddy" really is!! Oh!! Next time you're all on vacation again don't just take your "buddy", make sure the rest of employees have the equal rights as him to enjoy the benefits of "Operations Buddy System"...

Anonymous said...

Owners? As in meijers? They owned it since 2010

Anonymous said...

Deb Carlson...wourst kiss Ase ive ever saw....she has no ideea what she is doing and cries like a babby to her boyfriend George I think its her boyfriens but maybee not because she has a proper moustache . Anyways do not work for them unless u like getting fucked in Ase haddock too work off clok but Deborah said its ok you'll get paid but never did

Anonymous said...

Yo, dat Deb sounds like a hot number, aiight? I hope the moustache matches the sideburns, if ya know what I'm sayin. I hope they all be proper, man. I don't know what it looks like, but I dream she have a "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan meets White snake kinda quality, you feel? WOOT. Go, Shawty!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of working for serv-u? Better start doing your stretches now - limber up, & invest in vasoline... Cause they're gonna bend you over hard & often!! You're gonna be ridden like the town bicycle.

Anonymous said...

Working for Serve U Success for Melissa Falkenberg better get used to getting discriminated against! Another thing is she sleeps with a lot of different guys on her team and shows favoritism to whom will kiss her ass. Never new that part was in the job description!

Anonymous said...

Hi Connie

Anonymous said...

Hi connie

Anonymous said...

working with serv u hasnt been bad till kehe and i&k was put on us and im sure more to come . Meijer is getting worse and worse and managment is bad. I went from loving my job to hating it everyday . Serv u supervisors dont do shit and the swing reps are lazy fucks. they dump shit on us all the time and pretty much set us up to fail . No training and they hire anyone so they dont have to work themselves.

Anonymous said...

Ur a pussy write ur name

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, all I hear is a bunch of cry babies, well I'm here to tell you about my experence with this company. I started working for serv-u-success back in 2001 as a chip vendor and worked there for 5 yrs, and had a great boss, I agree not all bosses are great but most of the time people don't like there boss because they are getting yelled at or written up for doing things wrong, "isn't that what a boss is suppose to do when your not doing your job?" I left the company to go work nights for acosta doing resets at Meijer and Krogers. I came back to the company 3 years ago and love my job. They never promised me any thing, if you have been in the reset business then you should know how its ran, we do homestore sets and projects, when its avaiable. This is how all the reset companys are ran. The store is the one who decides when the sets and projects are done, so you may work 40 to 50 hrs one week and 0 the next, and yes it can be a physical job, you are up and down, moving shelves, cleaning, but thats part of resets. Whoever said you make barley above minimum wage well your mistaken, you start out at 10$ a hour, and if you have experence its 11$, and on those weeks where you might work 50 or maybe even 60 hrs you get paid over time so what are you complaining about you bitch when there are no hrs and bitch when theres to many hours, plus if you go and do projects you get your drive time round trip, and you can also get reimburst 30$ in gas if you drive over 200 miles in one night, what other companys give you that? Plus I've stayed out of town many times for projects that we have done, and you get a 25$ a day meal allowence, and your hotel is paid for. And as for waiting around to 5 to see if your working or not well shame on that supervisor, my boss tells us our whole schedule for the week and also lets us know when there are slow weeks coming up, but I dont mine the slow weeks or down time, it gives me a chance to get caught up on my home and other things, Plus I would think that you could have complained to there boss about not putting out the schedule earlier. So if you like to work sometimes and sometimes not, can do physical work, well this is the job for you. And for all you cry babies who just like to bitch about who you use to work for, well I bet they are sure glad you are gone, this is how I see it, you probley weren't doing your job, which is suppose to be done by the guidelines, you clean, you measure your shelves and move them if you are suppose to, put out new items, replace channels if they are busted or yellow, check dates and put the disco and backstock in the proper place. Its not that hard to follow the rules, unless your not doing those things and are getting wrote up, oh and crying about how your supervisor sucks. I've also worked side by side with these other companys and some of there people really suck, This job is unsupervised half the time, so you need to be the type of person who can go in and does the job correctly, or you may get yelled at or written up, I've seen so many people go in and try to short cut it, like not moving the shelves, again not doing there job. So like I said for all you people who are complaining I'm sure you weren't doing your job.

Anonymous said...

Do yourself a favor & get a job with ANY other vendor! Working for Serv-U makes you want to blow your head off! No penalty for those lazy sand-baggers who dont pull their weight, & no reward for extra effort... quite the opposite in fact. A case study in the ass-backwards state of the modern McBusiness model - straddling the line of how cheap/shitty can we get away with doing something to maximize profits.

Anonymous said...

This job is the worse ever! No organization & the managers are lazy as hell. The merchandisers do all the work but get paid NOTHING... The managers dont do there job EVER!!I wish i would have ran the other way. Im at meijers & my male boss is the biggest girl ever!! He dont update me about new products, he calls me when im at the store, he cries about not having friends, he's toooooo sentitive....What a freaking loser!!!! as soon as i find a nother job i am out of there. Never again..

Anonymous said...

I agree with M.C., Jeff Z is about the only good part of sus. Jeff K on the other hand is a different story. Seriously tho if your gonna smash someone at least tell the truth, claiming someone's a sex offender is an all time low and completely uncalled for.

Anonymous said...

There are many negative comments on this post and a lot of them are extremely immature, childish, and offensive. If you feel you have legitimate complaints why not state them in a manner which would represent you well and give you some credibility?

As to the work, one must understand the nature of the business, which most of these posters don't seem to.
1. Pay is slightly higher than minimum, but decent for retail.
2. In reset work the hours do vary wildly, it's the nature of the business that YOU agreed to work in.
3. Change in duties, expectations, and even pay does happen for businesses to remain competitive and in business, you still had a job which many people could not say in the past 4 years.
4. if you don't want to work hard for the money offered, find another job.

As to management, there are literally 70-80 different supervisors, and yes some may not be the best, and I have sympathy for anyone who truly was abused. However I know that the majority of the management are actually very good, appreciative, and positive people who them selves took pay cuts and have had enormous additional stresses added onto them. You just see it from your view, try remembering every level has different views.

Serv-U-Success, is actually a very good company and would be a good fit for those who want to work.

"One creates value for themselves as an employee when they give their best effort for their employer" There are many who believe that their should accommodate everything the employee asks of them.

Anonymous said...

The guy above me is a COMPLETE corporate mouthpiece. I am a current rep, quitting soon, who will hapily write my name/store # as soon as I do quit.

Serv-U is by far the worst company I have ever worked for, and again, when I do finally quit, I wil explain everything in great, great detail.

Anonymous said...

Anyone have experience at the Greenville Meijer?

Anonymous said...

No problem, next time my kid is in the hospital ill just come to work. Hell be to sick to know I'm unreliable.

Anonymous said...

serv u suxass lmfao quit or get fired!

Anonymous said...

Good luck my friend. I'm pulling for you. Can't wait to here your stories. I'm probably safe in assuming it's just more of the same old shit/serv u S.O.P. though. Let me guess: they treat you like shit, work you into the ground, pressure, pressure, pressure... but you don't get paid jack shit. Am I close? How did I know? I must be fucking psychic!? ;-) Nope, I just worked there -


Anonymous said...

I cant possibly convey how over worked, under paid, & under appreciated I am on a daily basis. Don't work here if you have any self-respect. Run fast & far!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does everyone else thing it is the same person posting over and over again. What did you do for Serv-U and who did you "supposedly" work for?

Anonymous said...

Mic Sobieck is a dick. The Meijer Mngt put in a guy fresh outta college and he doesn't have a clue. Sooo glad I quit that hell hole job. Mic, the district rep for the greater ft wayne area Meijers for Serv-U-Sux, pushed a l-cart over my foot and then called me too slow in front of witnesses, wrote me up based on Meijer mngt fat ass bastards comments from the peanut gallery, called us slow, admittedly hates women-even compared the 3 of us to dogs in front of us while smiling like we didn't have a clue as to what he was saying- no asshole we just wanted to do our job without your drama. They took on 3 extra companies worth of work without hiring anyone extra, only males got promotions-they did jackshit and were all from the same softball team as Mic, he got promoted over his sales rep, when we got the kehe loads there was only one person on it for a store that did 5 times the product movement of the other 2 Meijers stores in fort wayne-combined. Then wrote me up when I didn't get the load moved, on my scheduled day off, cause Meijer a''holes complained. The last straw came when the Meijer college boy baby called to complain about kehe after we had just told him we were currently doing it. Then Mic calls, not me-remember I was in charge of kehe, he calls the serv-u girl and puts her into tears. I called him back on her cell, cause he wouldn't answer mine and told him I quit, she followed me out the door, but later went back, I haven't bothered, I wouldn't let a dog I liked work there. Oh and if you do Jane Tittle may seem nice but she'll smile as she twists the knife in your back so she can look good to Mic, she went to get her car fixed, on the clock, and she can NEVER be found on the floor when theres work to be done, which means u can't find her ever, I have called her and she's been in her car before. Mic even admitted that he would disappear all day long and just appear hustled at odd hours of the day so he could look good to Meijer mngt, who HATE him. I have seen him move Lays stuff out of his way, speak meanly to little old ladies, badger customers and just be a genuine jerk. If you are a fat, lazy guy then this is the dream job for you. If your a woman than run away from it. Oh and Mic doesn't like Catholics either and has been sued 3-4 times over his prejudices. In short hell job, the Army was a cake walk in comparison to enduring that man without touching home on him. I hope God gets him and all the other ass-hats at Serv-U and Meijers. I can't even shop there any more, I dislike them soo much.

Anonymous said...

No-Really tell us what you think.......

Anonymous said...

I think he tried to tell us, but I couldn't understand his made up English!

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Anonymous said...

I don't feel comfortable giving my name but I work for serv u and I don't like my job too. I know lots of people I work with that feel the same way too. Similar stories to other people on this board

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand how a company that will not drug test its employees gets a contract to build children's bicycles.
How many kids need to get hurt before they decide its time to close Serv-U?

Anonymous said...

I cant get over how people on here keep saying "write ur name"
Why what are you going to do?

Anonymous said...

My guess is they will do nothing - they are just saying it since you can post anything on here with no proof - so maybe it would have more backing with a name?

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how serve-u success can make us buy a smart phone or an I-pad just so we can punch in and out of work? I have never had to buy my own timeclock to punch in and out of work before.If they require us to have these devices they should be provided for us,as most of us are just part time.I really can"t afford it.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, alot of negative information here on this company.

A grocery store operation is probably one of the simpliest retail ops in the world.

Despite its simplicity, it still takes the right combination of talent and people to get any job done or to enjoy any level of success.

And this is extremely easy to do and to find.

I have to agree with 17 Sept posting.

And i cannot ephasize this enough.

1. It is NOT the company. It really isn't.
2. I am not surprised to find this posting online.
3. I think this is a serious website and should be used for serious warnings in regards to warning others of irresponsible employers.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yea its a horrible company but listen fuck em! How many people do you even remember getting fired? Me I remember 1 person in 10yrs, let them pressure us and flip out over nothing they won't do shit. Remember you got the power, just like they tell you its your responsibility their boss is telling them the same thing. Another thing anyone else notice all your coworkers are related to each other? I don't know if that's bad or good but definitely weird! Also its 2013 why don't we hire African Americans? Its so obvious management is racist or at least stereotypes. Pepsi or fritos in my future servusuccess is just a experience builder and resume filler. NOW GO OUT THERE AND SERV UP THE SUCCESS!!!!!!
(What a stupid fucking name)