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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Museum of the Moving

Museum of the Moving
1) Unsafe workplace such as not removing unsafe ladders for maintenance workers in the building.
2) Docking pay to employees who worked overtime
3) Professional positions such as curators, developers managers are constantly turned over in this museum within every 6 months. The place employs about 50 people and goes through some 20 positions every year.
4) Unlicensed professionals operating equipment that requires proper city and state licensing.
5) Funding at museum calls for more employees than the museum employs in certain positions. These positions are not filled so where is the money from peoples donations going?
6) Upper management will ice any employee at any time for no given reason including suspicion of being on drugs or alcoholically intoxicated without any given proof


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

One of NY'S worst employers. Evelyn Tossas Tucker.Pay is weeks late and in part.OVER works employees. She lies.