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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Swift Transportation

Swift Transportation CDL Invalid?? Join for class action here. Phoenix Arizona

I am one of many who have been advised to retake all my tests to keep my CDL. I have obtained an attorney and are looking for as many individuals to pursue a class action suit against Swift.
There will be no fees. I have information of who to contact. It would be greatly appreciated for the word to be spread out in order for all those who have been affected by this to get justice.

I would like to hear from as many individuals who are interested in pursuing this to the end. Note there will only be one individual who will be the main plaintiff to stand for all those who agree to sign up for legal action to be taken.

Get the word out so we all dont get screwed because of the fraud that was commited by Swift. My email address is

Let us all stand as one cause after all we are Americans with rights and not scum to be walked on!!!!!! Take charge and take pride in yourselfs for I do and I will not be taken granted.

Newaygo, Michigan


Anonymous said...


All those interested in knowing what is going on with the class action go to and you will be up to date on what is being done as well as important information.

Anonymous said...

Another site to be updated for information on class action is Keep up to date.